Attorney Carole Clark Isakson Speaks at Women Venture Event

January 10, 2018  |  Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd.

On Tuesday January 9, 2018, BGS attorney Carole Clark Isakson had the pleasure of teaching a group of motivated women entrepreneurs about intellectual property issues in small businesses. Topics included trademark registration and use, software licenses, who owns the IP when you use a third party, and other topics relevant to small businesses in general. The seminar was arranged by Women Venture, a non-profit organization that serves women entrepreneurs in the Twin Cities area. It offers training, advice, loans and related services to women who complete various training and have a solid business proposal. To date Women Venture has served more than 1000 clients! Carole recently became a volunteer with Women Venture, and is excited to be part of such a great endeavor. Women Venture is an SBA approved micro-lender and CDFI; it also works with local banks and community partners. After the enjoyable and interactive seminar for female business owners, Carole answered questions for almost an hour! And then headed into a second meeting with the Women Venture staff to talk about the new LLC Act and how it impacts Women Venture and the community it serves. It was a long but productive afternoon at Women Venture. BGS is proud to support the work of Women Venture and entrepreneurs in general!

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BGS Attorney Dave Schaps Presents Award at Roseville Area Optimist Club

November 13, 2017  |  Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd.

BGS Attorney Dave Schaps  presented the Roseville Area Optimist Club’s inaugural “Optimist of the Year” award to Club President Don Salverda at the November 3rd Club meeting. Salverda is a former Ramsey County Commissioner from the Roseville Area and President of Don Salverda and Associates, a personal and professional leadership consulting firm.   Both Dave and Don are founding members of the Roseville Area Optimist Club, and worked to charter the organization in January.  The purpose of the club is to be a friend of local area kids by promoting activities that bring out the best in ourselves, the community and in our youth.  The 10 member  Optimist Club board, of which Dave serves as the Club Secretary, unanimously agreed that Salverda should receive the first award due to his great work in building the Club to almost 70 members in eleven short months.   This accomplishment was truly a feat warranting recognition.  The Club meets for a networking lunch and to hear a speaker on the second Friday of every month at the Roseville Radisson. There are over 1500 Optimist Clubs world wide  and 23 in Minnesota. The Roseville Club is made up of a number of people including  leaders in business, local government and local non-profit groups.  For questions about this article or…

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Can International Laws Affect My Divorce?

October 23, 2017  |  Elizabeth A. Schading

Going through a divorce is a very difficult time in many people’s life and not something we ever plan to deal with. This means that the process can often be stressful and tense for both partners and will involve sorting out property, valuables and making the best arrangements for the children going forward. Often it can take months before a divorce is final due to the complexity of the circumstances. In Minnesota, a divorce is called Dissolution of Marriage and unfortunately, problems often arise concerning property and children and who is entitled to receive the property and have custody. Yet, sometimes there are more complications that arise before sorting out issues concerning the marriage. The most common scenario that can make divorce proceedings tricky is when one of the partners has maintained citizenship or has residence in another country that has a different jurisdiction. This will mean that the question of international law pops up before anything can be dealt with, which will require the courts to decide what state or country can grant and finalize the divorce. After all, laws are very specific to each state and country, which means issues in divorces will be resolved differently from country to country. Generally, it will depend on where the divorce paperwork is filed…

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