A Future Career in the Legal Field?

February 10, 2022  |  Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd.

On February 9, 2022 BGS shareholder Carole Clark Isakson spent an afternoon at Osseo Senior High speaking with students interested in careers in law.  After 31 years as an attorney, she certainly didn’t run out of examples and stories! Osseo, like many high schools, spends a lot of time working with students on their plans after high school, whether those plans are work, trade school or college. Having surveyed students on their areas of interest, professionals were invited in to speak about nursing, public services, sports, art and music, law, business, construction, manufacturing, engineering, and information technology.   Those sessions have taken place throughout the year.  Approximately 50 students attended the session on careers in the law, and Isakson was one of three attorneys and a paralegal present to talk to the students. After introductions and a brief opportunity to talk about their particular jobs, the four professionals rotated from table to table to talk in small groups with the students. Carole recapped a few of her favorite moments of the day: Weirdest question? “What kind of car do you drive?” [uhm… Honda Accord] Most thought provoking question?  “Did you make any career decisions you regret?” [Actually… no!] Most common question?  “What skills do I need to be a good lawyer?”  [A good lawyer…

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Take Care of Your Legacy: Planning Your Will & Estate

November 18, 2021  |  Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd.

By: William F.  Huefner For many, writing a Will and planning for the handling of your estate seems like a topic that can be pushed to the backburner. However, planning ahead and creating a Will is something that should be handled sooner rather than later. With the help of trusted professionals, it’s easy.  Continue reading our blog and find out how you can ensure a strong plan for your estate. When Is the Right Time to Write a Will? The short answer is right now. As long as you are at least 18 years old, you are in a position to write a Will. Experts recommend that every adult should have a Will regardless of their age and health. A few other life-changing events that provide a good reason to write a Will are accumulating a large sum of money, getting married or divorced, when you have children, and when you start a business. Many factors can be protected with a Will. Make sure you and your family are not caught off guard without one. Writing Your Will Itemize Your Inventory The first step towards creating a Will is itemizing your assets. Start off by making a list of your assets, i.e., bank accounts, investment accounts, retirement accounts, real estate, etc. Keep in…

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Significant Proposed Changes to Minnesota Veterans Homes Rules

November 17, 2021  |  Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd.

By: Cathryn Reher While there has been a great deal of publicity about the ground-breaking ceremonies around the state for additional Minnesota Veterans Homes, far less publicized are the 88 pages of proposed changes to the Minnesota Rules. These proposed changes will impact both veterans and their spouses whether they currently reside, or have future plans to reside, at one of these facilities.  The current rules can be viewed at:  https://link.edgepilot.com/s/1f367ca5/5mJ1ZMz-4kSkcAQfk_IInA?u=https://www.revisor.mn.gov/rules/9050.  You will want to check out the proposed rule changes at:  https://link.edgepilot.com/s/71a018ff/xz80iGxVIUKb4jigTsKN0w?u=https://mn.gov/mdva/assets/2021-10-15-rd4384_tcm1066-502928.pdf. From an initial review of the proposed rule changes, many are adverse or more restrictive than under the current rules. If you read the MDVA description of the proposed rule changes, you would have no idea what changes are afoot. For instance, one of the proposed changes will impact a current and future facility resident’s holding a real property interest in the form of a life estate. The change adopts a valuation method for a life estate which could result in as much as a twenty to thirty percent increase in the equity value allocated to a Veterans Home resident.  If the life estate were sold, the resident’s maintenance charge would increase until the full value of the interest, along with other available assets, was reduced below $3,000. For any persons holding…

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