Understanding the Divorce Process in Minnesota

January 19, 2023  |  Jason C. Brown

Legal disputes that involve loved ones can be extremely difficult to navigate and can cause a lot of emotional stress on everyone involved. There are typically many questions that can arise during the divorce process that involve child custody, what happens after the divorce, the trial, when the divorce is final, and many more. Divorce can, unfortunately, be a process that is long and drawn-out if the parties are not in agreement. Learn more about understanding the divorce process in Minnesota. Child Custody Plans During a divorce or paternity case, child custody is usually a top priority. In Minnesota, there are two different types of custody – physical and legal. Legal custody involves the ability of a parent to play a role in major decisions of the child’s upbringing, like education, religion, or medical decisions. Legal custody does not include the day-to-day decisions involving the care of a child. Physical custody of a child involves the day-to-day care of a child. This includes decisions regarding the child’s primary residence. When a custody plan is proposed, Family Court considers several factors relating to the “best interest of the child.” Some of these “best interest” factors include: Parental history The child’s needs History of domestic abuse The willingness and ability of each parent to care…

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BGS Attends Annual DSTA Holiday Party

December 9, 2022  |  Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd.

On Friday, December 2nd, BGS attorneys Carole Clark Isakson and Erik Ordal, with paralegal Rachel Schwankl, enjoyed an evening in Duluth at the Duluth Superior Transportation Association holiday party. Isakson just concluded her second year on the board of directors for the DSTA. BGS is an avid supporter of the DSTA and other transportation related organizations. The firm plays an important role in the transportation industry as it provides legal advice to trucking companies large and small.  Our transportation department has decades of experience in this specialized field and advises its clients on a variety of topics including; contracts, independent contractor rights, regulatory matters, cargo damage claims, mergers and acquisitions, employment matters and more. With more than 30 attorneys BGS is able to provide the services its trucking company clients need.   Contact us with your transportation inquiries to learn more about the role BGS plays as counsel to transportation companies and the services provided. Barna Guzy & Steffen, ltd

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Tools Available to Gather Information in a Divorce

October 13, 2022  |  Jason C. Brown

Family court cases tend not to settle for one of two reasons: (1) the parties are not emotionally ready to resolve matters; or (2) a lack of information. Sometimes, a divorce litigant will try to conceal assets or hide information from the other side. They rarely succeed at doing so, given the number of tools divorce attorneys have at their disposal to gather information. The process of gathering information in any court case is called “discovery.” There are special rules of court procedure that grant lawyers the ability to obtain discovery. We often start by sending a set of interrogatories to the opposing litigant. An “interrogatory” is a fancy word for “question.” Answers to our questions must be provided under oath, in writing. The most common interrogatories involve inquiry into a litigant’s income and work history, bank accounts, investment accounts, retirement accounts, credit cards, business records and monthly budget. In addition to serving interrogatories, we will submit a request for production of documents to the other side. They are obligated to produce, or make available for our inspection, various records, including tax returns, account statements, and paystubs. If the responding party fails to produce the requested information in a timely manner, we can file a motion to compel production of the requested information…

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