Corporate & Business Law attorney Daniel Ganter is participating in a National Business Institute Seminar this spring entitled: Helping Your Client Buy or Sell a Small-to-Medium Sized Business. This seminar will take place May 7th at Embassy Suites Hotel in Bloomington. This basic-to-intermediate level course provides an overview of how to effectively advise a purchase or sale of a business and is intended for: Corporate/Business Attorneys Real Estate Attorneys General Practitioners In-House Counsel CPAs Registered Tax Return Preparers CFOs Presidents and Vice Presidents Dan will present an in-depth look at ETHICAL OBLIGATIONS regarding business sales in the afternoon from 3:30 – 4:30. His presentation will address the following issues: Identify Who Will be Your Client Clearly Define the Role of the Advisor at the Outset to Avoid Conflict of Interest Maintain Confidentiality Identify and Respect Ethical Obligations to Non-Clients Exercise Independent Judgment on Behalf of Your Client For more information or to register for this event please click Here.
Read MoreOn December 11, 2012, an Anoka County District Judge awarded my clients Ed Fields and Sons, Inc., $73,938.75 in sanctions during litigation I commenced against the Defendant, 1st Regents Bank, for discovery misconduct. (December 11, 2012 Order, James E. Fields, et al. v. Anthony Emmerich, et al., Court File No. 02-CV-11-5482) The litigation involved a multimillion dollar transaction and included causes of action such as fraud and conspiracy claims. I had sent discovery requests to 1st Regents asking for all emails related to the transaction at issue. The Bank responded that they had no emails. I pursued the issue with a Rule 115 letter and conference and the Bank continued to take the position that no such emails existed and therefore none would be produced. During a deposition, I noted that the Bank president was, as many of us do, using his Blackberry or iPhone to communicate throughout the day. I approached his lawyers after the deposition and again requested that 1st Regents Bank find potential emails related to the litigation. The Bank once again took the position that no such emails existed. This did not seem believable considering that this was a multimillion dollar transaction at issue and the Bank president clearly used technology. There were other defendants named in the suit…
Read MoreChuck Seykora and I attended the annual Three Rivers District Boy Scout Breakfast February 21, 2013. I have been attending this breakfast event for years and am continually amazed at the energy and enthusiasm that our community has for scouting. It is no surprise that many of our community leaders have a background in scouting. This organization serves more than 72,000 boys and girls ages 6 through 20 over the course of a year and supports nearly 21,000 volunteers. The stars of this breakfast were, as always, the Boy Scouts themselves. Anyone that has ever worried about the future of our country should attend a Boy Scout event. We are in good hands for the future. My favorite part of the breakfast is when the current and former Scouts in attendance recite the Scout Promise. Listening to individuals in their seventies and eighties easily recite the Scout Promise is proof that Scouting stays with people all their lives. One thing I learned is that our local scouting organization now has a Lions Cub program for kindergartners. In attending these events, I fondly recalled my time in scouting. I was a Cub Scout and made it to the Webelos level. Webelos means We’ll Be Loyal Scouts. The township where I grew up did not…
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