Is Divorce Mediation in Minnesota Right for Me?

June 3, 2013  |  Elizabeth A. Schading

Divorce mediation in Minnesota is an extremely effective way to resolve the issues of a dissolving marriage. However, it’s true that mediation is also not the right choice for everyone. Mediation Is Right for You If… Mediation is right for you if you and your spouse are both willing to compromise and listen to one another. Don’t immediately write this off. While you and your spouse may not be able to get through a 5 minute conversation, communication is often much, much easier when there’s a neutral third party involved. Mediation can even work if you and your spouse both feel angry, hurt, and betrayed. These feelings are very normal. Mediators will help you turn the focus to your future, and the future of your children. Mediation is Not Right for You If… If there is a history of domestic abuse between you and your spouse, then mediation may not be appropriate. Note that this covers all forms of abuse: physical, verbal, and sexual. It also covers any abuse towards the children. In certain situations, mediation can still be successful by keeping the parties separated in their own rooms, with the mediator visiting each room in turn. If there is a court order prohibiting contact, the order may be amended to allow mediation….

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Explaining the Divorce Mediation Process in Minnesota

May 30, 2013  |  Elizabeth A. Schading

If you’re considering the services of a divorce mediator in Minnesota for your divorce then you’re in good company. Mediation works well in about 75{a0c01d20c42349884e67ff80c137866b0a9fe47aaae8f8a86a605a369ae487c3} of all divorce cases, and the divorce mediation process can leave you with a settlement that you can live with – one that you had a direct hand in creating. However, it’s hard to make an informed decision when divorce mediation is a mystery to you. What will happen? How do you know you’ll get a fair deal? If your spouse is domineering, how do you know you won’t be at a disadvantage? Issues of Divorce Mediators are trained to handle all of the issues that might be present in your divorce, including child custody, parenting time, child support, spousal support, and the division of assets and liabilities. Make sure you come to your mediation prepared with any and all documents and records which might have a bearing on these issues. The Mediator’s Role The mediator is there for several reasons. At BGS, your mediator has a law degree, but is not serving as a lawyer to either party. The mediator is not a judge and cannot force you into any decision. Instead, the mediator is there to keep the communication between you and your ex respectful and…

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Texting and Driving Dangers

May 28, 2013  |  Jon P. Erickson

I recently read an article that stated that “texting is now the leading cause of death for teen drivers.” The article was based on a study done for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The study contains data that supports that texting while driving has become an even greater hazard for teenagers than drinking and driving. Minnesota law prohibits operating a motor vehicle while “using a wireless communications device to compose, read or send an electronic message while the car is in motion or a part of traffic.” A violation is a misdemeanor crime. This law applies to juveniles as well as adults. Minnesota law also prohibits any driver under age 18 to use a phone for any purpose while driving. The days between Memorial and Labor Days have been called the “100 deadliest days for teenage drivers.” A coalition of our country’s largest wireless carriers have joined in a national advertising campaign to discourage mobile users from texting while driving during these upcoming 100 days. AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile are all joining this campaign which they call “It Can Wait.” Here is AT&T’s Don’t Text While Driving Documentary: Let’s all pause and join them in reminding our teenage drivers that “It Can Wait.” You can also find out more information…

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