If you are attacked by a dog or any other dangerous animal there is a chance that you have the standing to pursue a personal injury case. In fact, it’s a good idea to contact a personal injury attorney right away. Dog bites and other animal-related injuries are not minor concerns. Some injuries could be fatal, especially to children. Some injuries could be disfiguring. You may have medical bills associated with healing the bite, and they can skyrocket if there is any complication, such as an infection. The law entitles you to compensation that will help you cover those bills. If you need psychological treatment or lose wages you also have the right to get those expenses covered as well. In a case such as a dog bite injury, you may have to prove you were bitten unprovoked. The dog owner may claim you provoked the dog. The case gets harder if the dog was a stray, since the suit would be filed against the owner of the animal in question. The owner might try to claim that he or she had no reason to believe that the animal was dangerous or prone to attacking. Fortunately, this argument is completely irrelevant under Minnesota law. Even if your dog bite case seems straightforward you…
Read MoreIt was indeed a Starry, Starry Night for Stable Pathway’s first annual fall fundraiser event. Sarah Thies, Board Member of Stable Pathways and BGS Legal Administrative Assistant said, “It was amazing. Everyone worked so hard to prepare for this night and in the end, it all just fell into place.” The well attended event included a silent auction, live band, dinner and a program demonstration. The program demonstration displayed some of the many benefits the participants in Stable Pathways receive from equine-assisted activities for people living with physical and cognitive challenges. Therapeutic horseback riding helps riders “organize” body and brain. The horse’s gait is most similar to a human gait so riding provides a connection to a natural rhythmic movement from the horse that stimulated the rider’s body and brain. “Stable Pathways owns six horses which need both veterinary care and feeding over the coming winter months. The funds raised will go a long way to offset these expenses and necessary costs,” said Sarah, “We are grateful that the event was so successful.” Stable Pathways is a 501(c)(3) organization. To learn more about Stable Pathways and the Starry, Starry Night Gala, visit stablepathways.org
Read MoreBGS Attorneys Joan Quade and Jennifer Moreau participated in the Women Run the Cities 5k event on September 21st. The event was sponsored by MNCREW and funds raised went to the Ann Bancroft Foundation.
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