Category: Transportation Law

BGS Transportation Team Celebrates Another Successful Appearance at the Minnesota Trucking Association Annual Conference

September 14, 2022  |  Carole Clark Isakson

As it has for many years, BGS was a sponsor of the Minnesota Trucking Association’s annual conference, held this year at Arrowwood Resort in Alexandria.  The conference is a great opportunity to connect with trucking companies and transportation officials in a relaxed and fun setting.  Included in conference activities were golf and other social events, as well as educational sessions on business topics important to the industry. BGS sponsored the keynote speaker, David Horsager. David is CEO of Trust Edge Leadership Institute and inventor of The Enterprise Trust Index™, director of the annual study – The Trust Outlook™, and the bestselling author of The Trust Edge. He provided a dynamic and engaging presentation on the critical nature of trust in all business relationships.  BGS’ own attorney Erik Ordahl had the opportunity to introduce this amazing keynote speaker. BGS Attorneys Jim Wills (a former long term MTA board member) and Carole Clark Isakson (a current board member of the MTA Foundation) introduced associate BGS attorney Erik Ordahl and BGS paralegal Rachel Schwankl to all things trucking, including the truck expo sponsored by Blaine Brothers. While most industries can field an interesting conference, we’re pretty sure that only a trucking conference features a parking lot exhibit of huge new trucks! If you can manage the…

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New Federal Regulations for Emotional Support Animals

December 9, 2020  |  Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd.

The federal Department of Transportation has issued their long-awaited final rule regarding transporting emotional and service animals by air. This rule was enacted in response to the difficulties that airlines and other passengers were experiencing with various types of animals designated by the owner as an emotional support animal. The lack of clarity on the rights of individuals utilizing emotional support animals were highlighted in instances where fellow passengers were physically harmed by an unrestrained (and evidently untrained) animal nebulously characterized as an emotional support animal. Read on to learn more about the new federal regulations for emotional support animals as well as service animals. Airline Authority When the final rule goes into effect (30 days after it is published in the federal register), airlines will gain significant authority to regulate emotional support and service animals while flying. Airlines are permitted to treat emotional support animals as pets. Briefly stated, airlines do not need to treat emotional support animals as service animals. Rather, airlines may recognize emotional support animals as pets rather than service animals.  Airlines have also gained the ability to restrict service animals in a number of areas. This final rule defines a service animal as a dog, regardless of breed or type, that is individually trained to do work or…

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BGS Attorney Carole Clark Isakson Elected to Duluth Superior Transportation Association’s Board of Directors

December 11, 2019  |  Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd.

Congratulations to BGS attorney Carole Clark Isakson who recently started her one year term on the board of directors for the Duluth Superior Transportation Association (DSTA). The DSTA has been around for a long time – 76 years in fact! As noted by the DSTA, it is comprised of over 100 active members as well as a number of active retired members, with backgrounds as diverse as the industries they represent. Members come from aerospace, rail, trucking, logistics, and maritime industries, in addition to manufacturers, commercial shippers, supply chain managers, government agencies and more. As a member of the BGS Transportation Department, Isakson fits in well on the DSTA board of directors. The DSTA promotes transportation in the Duluth Superior region through public events, member educational opportunities, and a scholarship program at the University of Wisconsin Superior. More information on the DSTA can be found at Duluth Superior Transportation Association.

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