Category: Business Law

Best Practices for Documenting Board and Owner Meetings

September 24, 2020  |  Carole Clark Isakson

The day to day operations of an entity can be conducted by the officers and executives in charge. However, companies should be mindful that formal action is required in many cases, especially when making decisions that are outside the ordinary course of business. Such decisions may involve taking out a loan, selling an asset, bringing in new investors, or liquidating the company. Formal actions are taken either by the owners of the company, or by the board, if the company has a such a committee. In addition to these special actions, companies also typically have meetings and elections on an annual basis to cover common tasks allocated to the owners and boards. Read on as we discuss best practices for documenting board and owner meetings. The nuances of company ownership When referring to “company,” the statement is generally applicable to corporations, limited liability companies, and partnerships. In turn, the term “owners” refers to shareholders (the owners of a corporation), members (the owners of a limited liability company), and partners (the owners of a partnership). The owners of a company may elect a board of directors or a board of governors; for instance, limited liability companies are not required to have a board. Additionally, this blog is a general statement of typical provisions. Before making…

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