Category: BGS News & Events

BGS Attorney Scott Lepak to Present on Labor Relations from a Pandemic Perspective on November 10

November 5, 2020  |  Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd.

COVID-19 has raised new questions and concerns for employers everywhere. To help owners understand and address these unprecedented circumstances, BGS Attorney Scott Lepak will be co-presenting a free, one-hour webinar on labor relations from a pandemic perspective at 11 a.m. on Tuesday November 10, 2020. Sponsored by the League of Minnesota Cities, this webinar will explore how to avoid common pitfalls while successfully leading and managing employees during a pandemic. The free, hour-long session will address best practices in the following areas:  Understanding how to establish and maintain management rights Exploring common mistakes when responding to grievances and ways to avoid them Reviewing ways to respond to unfair labor practice claims Learning negotiation skills and how to manage critical workers during a pandemic To register for the webinar, go to: Scott Lepak authored a treatise of the Minnesota Public Sector Labor Law and is one of Barna, Guzy & Steffen’s highly knowledgeable and experienced labor law attorneys. Our talented team of business law professionals is here to discuss your specific needs and provide innovative legal solutions. Contact us today to learn more.

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Litigation and Dispute Resolution During a Pandemic

September 18, 2020  |  Joan M. Quade

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.  – Stephen Hawking My, how things have changed in less than a year. Our court systems and law firms were humming along mediating, litigating, arbitrating, and getting those business and personal disputes settled or resolved in what we refer to as “the normal course of business.” Most, if not all of us, never thought even a year ago, that the way we did business – the business of lawyers and law firms – would have to be completely reimagined to survive and keep dispute resolution moving forward. Read on as we discuss litigation and dispute resolution during a pandemic. Not Exactly Business as Usual Legal disputes did not stop with COVID-19. In fact, it created even more issues to be resolved among businesses, individuals, and insurance companies. It even created new banking, contract, insurance, and employment issues that needed immediate attention. But the more common disputes like breach of contract, warranty cases, real estate disputes, and construction defect cases did not slow down. As such, there was an uptick in these run-of-the-mill cases after we overcame the initial shell shock of the pandemic last spring. The New Normal Surprisingly, in March and April, our business did not slow down much. While the court systems were all but closed to civil matters, we…

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