The holiday season is an exciting time for many, but the hustle and bustle of shopping and traveling can prove dangerous when combined with winter weather. Whether it’s snow, black ice, or a wet floor, these hazards can cause serious harm. Follow these tips to avoid winter injuries and stay safe all season long.
We understand that the holidays are busy—you have gifts to buy and places to be. But many people incur winter injuries while they are in a hurry. Take care of yourself by using caution and slowing down when walking outdoors. Black ice can appear suddenly and unexpectedly, and even visible patches of ice can be more treacherous than they seem. Use handrails whenever they are available, and take short, slow steps. Also, be mindful of puddles and slick floors inside buildings, especially near entryways that see a lot of traffic.
Wearing the right footwear and clothing can make all the difference to avoid winter injuries. Make sure you wear boots or shoes with good traction. Avoid wearing old shoes if the tread is worn thin. You can also add ice grips or cleats to your shoes to make walking on slippery surfaces even safer.
Make sure to dress in warm layers, too, as cold temperatures can make pain worse. Thick layers can also cushion your fall slightly if you do slip. Just make sure that your hat, scarf, or face mask doesn’t impede your vision.
Staying in shape can help you avoid slipping and lessen the impact of injuries if you do fall. Keeping your muscles strong also helps you avoid straining them. There are several types of exercises you can do to avoid winter injuries, but it’s best to focus on your core, legs, and balance. Basic cardio and strength training are some of your best defenses against injury.
Winter weather can be dangerous, and we all have to prioritize safety at some point. Watch the forecast when planning your week, and keep up to date with winter storm warnings. If conditions are hazardous, consider rearranging your schedule to avoid going out in the elements. And don’t be afraid to ask for help with tasks like getting the mail or carrying groceries.
Even with caution and proper preparation, winter injuries still happen. If you do get hurt, seek medical care as soon as possible, especially if the pain is severe. Waiting for an injury to “go away” on its own can only make things worse, as most injuries can be better treated when addressed immediately.
If you receive an injury due to someone else’s negligence, you have the right to seek compensation. Our personal injury attorneys at Barna, Guzy & Steffen can help. We will pursue your claim both out of court and in court to make sure you receive the compensation you deserve. We also work on a contingency basis, meaning no fees will be due until your case is successfully completed. Contact us to schedule a free consultation.