What to Do after a Car Accident

July 15, 2024  |  Adriel B. Villarreal

No one plans to get in a car accident, but knowing the right steps to take in the event of one can help you stay safe and receive appropriate compensation. Protect your rights and calmly navigate the situation with these tips from the car accident attorneys at Barna, Guzy & Steffen on what to do after a car accident.

1. Stop your vehicle

State law requires drivers to stop after an accident, even if it is minor. You also must stop regardless of who you believe to be at fault. If possible, pull off to the side of the road and out of the way of traffic. Just make sure to stay at the scene of the accident.

2. Check for injuries

Health and safety are paramount. Check yourself and your passengers for injuries, then check the driver and occupants of the other vehicle. If anyone is seriously injured, call emergency medical services immediately.

3. Contact the police

Even if the accident isn’t serious, police officers can help manage the scene and redirect traffic. They will also create an accident report, which you should ask for a copy of when possible. This can aid in both insurance claims and legal proceedings. Before the officers leave, write down their names and badge numbers as well for future reference.

4. Exchange information

While you wait for the police to arrive, exchange information with the other driver and passengers. Write down their names, license plate numbers, contact information, addresses, and insurance information. If there are any witnesses to the crash still on the scene, ask for their contact information and license plate numbers as well. Their testimonies may help you when seeking compensation.

5. Document the accident

Your insurance company will desire detailed photos and information concerning the accident. Documentation may help in potential legal proceedings as well. Take photos of both vehicles from all angles, any injuries sustained, and the surrounding scene. Write down the make and model of each vehicle involved and note the location, time, and weather conditions.

6. Do not admit fault

Remember, anything you say could be taken as an official statement and used against you. You may be tempted to apologize for your role in the accident, but doing so could cast responsibility for damages on you. Only communicate necessary information, and only sign documents given to you by the police.

7. Contact your insurance company

Notify your insurance provider of the accident as soon as possible and provide all the information you have gathered. They will help you start the claims process.

8. Consider a medical examination

Even if you don’t think you are seriously hurt, you may have incurred injuries without realizing it. Confirming your health with a doctor can help you receive due compensation.

9. Contact an attorney

If you are wondering what to do after a car accident, or if you have sustained injuries, suffered trauma, or lost a loved one, the attorneys at Barna, Guzy & Steffen can help. We will walk you through every step of your case and the claims process, ensuring that all details are addressed, and responsible parties are held accountable. Let us fight for your right to due compensation. Contact us today.