Spousal Maintenance in Minnesota

February 10, 2017  |  Elizabeth A. Schading

Going through a divorce is never easy for a family. The spousal support laws vary from state to state and can be extremely confusing. Thankfully, you can rely on your family law attorney to be a valuable resource in navigating these complex issues. What are the spousal support laws in Minnesota? Minnesota courts have the power to order one spouse to pay alimony to the other (also referred to as spousal maintenance.) Often, the spouse who earns less money annually will make a request for spousal support from the higher earning spouse. This ensures that they can each maintain a reasonable standard of living to which they have become accustomed. Other reasons to request spousal support include the inability of one spouse to work due to giving full time care to a child that possesses a high level of need. This demonstrated need can be medical, physical, or mental. Minnesota courts can decide on three different kinds of spousal support: Temporary support. In this case, the support is paid by one spouse to the other during divorce proceedings. The income of both spouses is taken into account. Short-term support. This type of support helps one spouse achieve job training or continued education, with the intention that they will be able to earn more…

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BGS Transportation Department Attends Regional Conference

January 31, 2017  |  Carole Clark Isakson

Jim Wills , Carole Clark Isakson and Nicole Wiebold recently attended the 2017 TLA (Transportation Lawyers Association) Chicago Regional Seminar. This seminar attracts lawyers from 35 states and several Canadian provinces, and included a presentation by the regional director of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. The TLA is an active group of transportation attorneys, uniquely qualified to provide both education and networking. Transportation issues are generally not state specific, and having a good understanding of the federal regulatory scheme is critical. It also helps to know who to call in Texas in the case of an emergency! The TLA provides both. The seminar featured presentations from attorneys in the US, Canada and Mexico on cross boarder issues (primarily liability and choice of law concerns).  A representative of the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) reported on implemented and upcoming changes to the rules applying to many motor carriers.  As with every business, trucking companies can expect ever evolving technologies to present new advantages and burdens. Electronic logging devices on many trucks will be required effective December 18, 2017. These devices capture data on the driver’s driving, engine run times, vehicle movement, miles driven, and engine hours. Seminar attendees also learned about new rule-making on safety fitness determinations for motor carriers, changes in…

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When Should I Give My Statement of an Auto Accident?

January 30, 2017  |  Adriel B. Villarreal

Auto accidents are one of the most stressful situations in this life. You car has sustained minor or major damages, you and your passengers may be injured to different levels and you have to deal with your insurance company talking to the other person or people involved in the accident. What a hassle! If you find yourself in a significant auto accident, you may need to enlist the services of a car accident attorney. As stressful as the auto accident is, there are several things to keep in mind when it comes to making your statement about the accident itself. In most cases, you will absolutely not want to make a statement about the accident to anyone without the advice of your car accident attorney. If you are approached by the police after an accident, you are required to give the officer your driver’s license, vehicle registration and proof of your insurance. You may choose to make a statement, but in most states, this is not required of you. If you do choose to give the officer a brief account of what happened, keep it very short and state only the facts. After the accident, you may receive a call from the insurance adjuster for the other vehicle involved asking for a brief…

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