When someone is injured, they can quickly find out that the insurance companies that could not be nicer to them when they paid their premiums, may not be fair in their assessment of an accident. For that reason, Personal Injury attorney John Buchman advises his clients “to not become a victim twice. The first time can’t be helped-something happened to you. Don’t assume that your insurance company will be fair. You can prevent being a victim a second time by hiring a good lawyer. Why wait and hope they might be fair?” Our Minnesota Personal Injury lawyers have experience in may different types of cases and they will work with you to learn everything about your injury. At BGS, you will work directly with an attorney working on your case. You will receive personal attention and be treated like your case is important. We think every case is important because it is important to you. Unlike some large personal injury-only law firms, we take a very personal approach to helping you. We can offer a local, small town friendly feel, but have the experience and expertise to support your case.
Read MoreAs a former nurse and now a lawyer for over 23 years, I become a little disheartened when I see what I believe are legitimate insurance claims being denied by medical insurance providers. I understand they need to contain costs and ensure that only tests and treatments that are necessary are covered, so that the ever-escalating insurance premiums do not continue to overburden individuals and especially small businesses. But we pay our premiums so that we have the coverage we need, and insurance companies need to be fair. The reality is that the insurance policy is a legal contract between the company and the individual that outlines the responsibilities of both parties. Most insurance companies must pay for the reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by the insured and the insured (or her/his employer) must pay the premium. The policy provides for what is, and is not covered, and there are generally exclusions for some things. The contract will sometimes indicate that some procedures, tests or care needs to be preapproved by the insurance company before you incur the cost. Make sure you know what those things are. When in doubt, get preapproval for all expensive tests or referrals. Most people understand that when they have paid their premium, they get health care and…
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